It's our last installment of our Growing Pains theme and we've learned a lot with our last movie Mystic Pizza. It stars a young Julia Roberts as Daisy, Annabeth Gish plays her teenage sister Kat and Lili Taylor plays their friend Jojo. They all work in the same restaurant called Mystic Pizza and over the course of a year, experience everything from love to heartbreak in their small town. In this episode we discuss: who designated the saxophone as the 'sexy instrument' of the 80's, how you can store large amounts of condoms in big purses and gumball machines, our first recorded belch and also have a cameo from Corinne's mom who talks about the proper etiquette of babysitting and ironing (but not at the same time). This 80's coming of age flick had a slight statutory rape vibe in parts but we expected it because the 80's didn't know any better. But we loved discussing it and hope you join us for a slice of Mystic Pizza. Episode drops September 26th.
