For this March Madness episode we have an exciting true crime rom-com with a surprise jailbreak ending. We are doing I Love You Phillip Morris, which stars Jim Carrey as Steven, a con-man who realizes, late in life, that he's gay and falls in love with Phillip Morris, played by Ewan McGregor. But it's a prison romance and once they're in separate penitentiaries can their love last? In this episode we discuss: how Tam will only sleep on beds that are out and proud (no hide-a-beds for her), how Corinne can overcome many obstacles while podcasting (except forgetting to watch the movie), and how much enthusiastic prayer it would take before Jesus says 'We're good!' The twists and turns in this movie have blown our minds, and we hope you join us for this 'master level blow job' movie that is I Love You Phillip Morris. Episode drops March 26th.
