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Episode 66-Love in The Time of Polio Vaccines & Silver Dollar Sex: Serendipity


This month we are doing- September to Remember. The ODK hosts are going to New York City this month and all movies take place in the Big Apple. Our first NY centric movie is Serendipity: starring Kate Beckinsale as Sara and John Cusack as Jonathan, Sara and Jonathan meet in a New York minute. They have an instant connection but are involved with other people, circumstances cause them to part ways but they always think of 'what if ',until the day they try to find each other again. In this episode we discuss: how frozen hot chocolate is a shame and a lie, what to do if you find a severed finger in your 'glove of love' and the price of Hermes ties and rooms at the Waldorf Astoria. We will not be buying either but we will be exploring everything else Serendipity has to offer and hope fate allows you to join us. Episode drops September 6th.

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