March is still going to the dogs and in this week's movie we have the most exceptional doggy star! We are covering As Good As It Gets which stars Jack Nicholson as Melvin, and unpleasant, obsessive, curmudgeon who insists on making everyone's life miserable except for Carol, played by Helen Hunt, his crush who also happens to wait tables at the diner he frequents. Also thrown into the mix are a gay neighbor, a 'take no shit' art dealer and a cute dog named Verdell, played by Jill the Dog. In this episode: we explore how we feel about forehead licks (based on our stance around forehead kisses, not good), Corinne explains the multiple uses you can get from the Indigo Girls music catalogue (aka lady bait), and Tamara undercharges for her services as a freelance detective. We wouldn't trade this episode for all the noodle salad in the world but we will ask is this As Good As It Gets? Yes, yes it is. Episode drops March 28th.
Episode 85-Laura Ashley Tornados & Kelly LeBrock Makeovers: As Good As It Gets