We're Baaaaack with a bang and fresh from our month off! This month our theme is Freedom and we're showcasing movies where the protagonist's forge their own paths. Our first movie is the star studded 9 to 5. It stars Lily Tomlin as Violet, an overworked, underappreciated employee at Consolidated Inc. Her co-workers Judy played by Jane Fonda and Doralee played by Dolly Parton are equally used and abused until one day the fates smile down upon them. In this episode we discover the definition of pussy bows, speculate about what Consolidated Inc. stores in their warehouse (top 2 picks: Moby Dick books aka pile of dicks or dildos shaped like various animals), and do a Kimono watch on the sassy Violet (does her kimono have a deeper meaning!?!?) This movie doesn't have a lot of 'Rom' but it makes up for it with the 'Com'. We poured ourselves a cup of ambition with this gem and hope you punch the time clock with us as we do 9 to 5.
Episode 95-Pussy Bows & Resting Bitch Face Perfection: 9 to 5